Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear) Contains Leucine (Essential Amino Acid)
(*) See References and Disclaimer at the bottom of the page.
Our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear) contain leucine and are one of the three branched-chain-amino acids (BCAA's), which include valine and isoleucine(1*).
Leucine aids in energy and blood-sugar regulation, growth hormone production, wound healing and repairing muscle tissue(2*).
Leucine is one of the most important amino acids for building muscle and is the only one that can stimulate protein synthesis in the muscle tissue(3*).
Dietary intake of leucine in rats has been shown to successfully increase protein synthesis in muscle mass and slow the loss of muscle tissue. In other words, the leucine created muscle and kept it around for longer(4*).
Leucine could also be used as a therapy for people with phenylketonuria - a condition in which the body cannot metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine(5*). Leucine deficiency symptoms include hypoglycemia, irritability, headaches, fatigue, and dizziness(6*).
Sources of Leucine
Meat, Nuts, Whole Wheat, and our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear).
Source References
(1) Wikipedia: Leucine
(2) WebMD: Leucine
(3) Science Daily: Can Leucine Help Burn Fat and Spare Muscle Tissue During Exercise?
(4) The Biology Project: Leucine
(5) "About" Chemistry: Leucine
(6) PubMed: Leucine Supplementation and Intensive Training